Monday, September 8, 2008

Soccer Mom

Well, it has finally happened. I am officially a soccer mom.
I don't know if this comes as a surprise to any of you who know me...but it is quite a surprise to me. It may be somewhat a surprise, because this is Calvin writing this post, not Ilene.
That's right...Enterprise has a youth (elementary school) soccer league now and Ilene has been asked to coach and be involved since she is one of the few people in town that actually knows anything about soccer and has experience playing on a competitive level.
So...that means that each Saturday morning, bright and early, I get to wake up and make the pilgrimage to the elementary with my two daughters in tow and watch 5 and 6 year old kids run around and "play" soccer.
I am not exactly sure how a soccer mom is supposed to if any of you have any ideas, I am open to suggestions. I just want to fit in with all the other soccer moms!


Shelly said...

The only thing I could suggest is that you pay attention to the game!! Just kidding! You did a great job being a soccer mom/dad on Saturday. I think Ilene is a great Soccer coach. Oh, by the way, when are we doing your sprinklers?

Karen said...

I bet you make the cutest little soccer mom. Ilene must be so proud!

sware said...

Hey Holt family!:) Thanks for adding me to your friends blog list! I feel like I have just won something and I'm speechless...

Its fun to see what you are all up to:) I love your house!! Tell the great people of Enterprise hello for me! I think of you all every time I wear my Marv's T-shirt!