Thursday, July 17, 2008

More House Progress

I know you are all probably getting sick up the house updates. But, it's pretty much all that is going on in our lives right now. I guess if you wanna read about something more exciting, you better invite us on a trip to Hawaii or something. OK, I promise, these are the last house pictures until it is finished.

From a distance: (I know the picture is not centered, but I wanted to give you all a look at the porta-potty that graces our property during construction off to the left)

Exterior Frontal View:

Back porch view:


Karen said...

Wow! They've done a lot since I was last there. Ellis hasn't even seen it at all. I want you to keep posting pictures. I don't get bored of them! I'm sure nobody else does either.

Christina said...

I found you through Marie's blog!! Your family is so cute. I love red heads. So where are you guys building? Good to know all is well. Also, Brooke Dodge just recently moved in to my ward, we sit next to each other in Sunday school and reminisce about old times. Anyway, great to find:) you lets keep in touch. My email is pchomolik(at)gmail(dot)com
Christina Beutler now(Homolik)

Steph H said...

I love reading your blog, I! You've got such a funny way of writing things. Congrats on the house coming so far along!! That's so exciting and definitely worthy of posting about! I love reading about the day to day of your life (I also love Amelia's dimples!)